Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Apa Soft Computing

Soft komputasi berbeda dari konvensional (keras) dalam komputasi, seperti komputasi keras, itu adalah toleran terhadap ketidaktepatan, ketidakpastian, kebenaran parsial, dan aproksimasi. Akibatnya, panutan bagi soft computing adalah pikiran manusia. Prinsip pengarah dalam soft computing adalah: Eksploitasi toleransi untuk ketidaktepatan, ketidakpastian, kebenaran parsial, dan pendekatan untuk mencapai tractability, ketahanan dan solusi biaya rendah. Ide-ide dasar yang mendasari perhitungan lunak dalam inkarnasi saat ini memiliki hubungan dengan pengaruh sebelumnya banyak, di antaranya 1.965 kertas Zadeh pada set fuzzy; kertas 1973 tentang analisis sistem yang kompleks dan proses pengambilan keputusan, dan laporan 1979 (1981 kertas) pada kemungkinan teori dan lunak analisis data. Dimasukkannya komputasi syaraf dan komputasi genetik dalam soft computing datang pada suatu titik kemudian. 

            Pada saat ini, unsur-unsur utama Soft Computing (SC) adalah Fuzzy Logic (FL), Neural Computing (NC), Evolusi Perhitungan (EC) Mesin Belajar (ML) dan Probabilistik Penalaran (PR), dengan keyakinan subsuming jaringan yang terakhir, teori chaos dan bagian dari pembelajaran teori. Yang penting untuk dicatat adalah bahwa soft computing bukan sebuah melange. Sebaliknya, ini adalah kemitraan di mana masing-masing mitra kontribusi metodologi yang berbeda untuk mengatasi masalah dalam domainnya. Dalam perspektif ini, metodologi konstituen utama dalam SC adalah saling melengkapi dan bukan kompetitif. Selain itu, soft computing dapat dilihat sebagai komponen dasar untuk bidang kecerdasan konseptual muncul.
Lebih lanjut lagi, dalam konsep soft computing, metoda – metoda ini ibarat pilar , slaing mendukung dan bekerjasama dalam memecahkan suatu permasalahan. Keunggulan yang diperoleh dari kerjasama metoda – metoda itu lebih ditekankan daripada keunggulan individual salah satu daripadanya. Kekurangan satu metoda akan ditutup dengan kelebihan metoda lainnya. Keunggulan satu metoda disumbangkan, sehingga segi – segi positif dari metode yang ada tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal.
Tujuan soft computing adalah terbentuknya High Machine Intelligence Quotient (HMIQ), suatu system yang mampu mengolah informasi seperti cara berpikir manusia, mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan non-linier dan tidak ada model matematisnya (tractability), serta dapat diimplementasikan dengan biaya rendah.
Adapun tujuan metode soft computing adalah :
1.      Non-linearitas dan kompleksitas problema. Kemampuan menyelesaikan problematika yang sulit dan tidak bisa diselesaikan dengan metoda biasa
2.      Kemampuan memanipulir parameter yang tidak pasti ( sesuatu yang tidak bisa diukur secara pasti, misalnya mengukur kadar cinta )
3.      Kemampuan men-generalisir solusi
4.      Kemampuan klasifikasi dan kuantifikasi data, misalnya dengan lebih mudahnya pengerjaan kasus regresi linier dengan teknologi ini daripada dengan fuzzy logic.
5.      Kemampuan mengatasi keterbatasan data, misalnya pada dunia statistic.


Senin, 01 Maret 2010


Soft Computing adalah kumpulan teknik – teknik perhitungan dalam ilmu komputer, inteligensia semu, machine learning dan beberapa disiplin ilmu teknik lainnya, yang berusaha untuk mempelajari, memodelkan, dan menganalisa fenomena yang sangat rumit : untuk metoda yang lebih konvensional yang tidak memberikan biaya rendah, analitis dan solusi lengkap.

Soft Computing adalah segolongan metoda yang mampu mengolah data dengan baik walaupun didalamnya terdapat ketidakpastian, ketidakakuratan maupun kebenaran parsial (Prof. Lotfi A Zadeh, 1992).

Istilah soft computing dicetus pertama kali pada tahun 1990 sehubungan dengan ide untuk mendirikan BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computer) oleh Prof. L.A.Zadeh dari Berkeley University. Soft computing, berbeda dengan conventional (hard) computing, memungkinkan toleransi terhadap input, proses dan output yang bersifat tidak akurat(imprecision), tidak pasti (uncertainty) dan setengah benar (partial truth).

Metoda Soft Computing
Mengacu pada definisi yang diberikan oleh Zadeh, metoda – metoda dalam soft computing dapat dikategorikan ke dalam tiga kategori besar :
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Artificial Neural Network
  • Probabilistic Reasoning

Kemudian ditambah dengan :
  • Genetic Algorithm
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Belief Network
  • Chaos Theory

Metoda – metoda ini sebenarnya bukanlah sesuatu yang baru yang diadakan setelah konsep soft computing yang dirumuskan. Yang terjadi justru sebaliknya. Metoda – metoda Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network, Probabilistic Reasoning maupun Genetic Algorithm telah ada lebih dahulu. Fuzzy Logic telah berkembang sejak tahun 1965. Konsep – konsep dasar Neural Network telah digali sejak tahun 1940an. Demikian halnya dengan Probabilistic Reasoning dan Genetic Algorithm yang bukan merupakan hal baru. Oleh karena itu, Zadeh menyebut soft computing sebagai reinkarnasi dari metoda – metoda diatas.

Walaupun semua konsep dan teori diatas adalah untuk memproses system dan menyelesaikan masalah yang bersifat uncertainty, keberadaan semua konsep dan teori tersebut seharusnya tidak dilihat sebagai suatu persaingan (competitive) tetapi lebih dilihat sebagai saling melengkapi (complementary). Tidak ada satu konsep atau teoripun yang bersifat perfect, powerful, dan general untuk menyelesaikan semua masalah dalam real-world application, sehingga penggunaan suatu konsep atau teori bergantung dan disesuaikan dengan jenis dan karakteristik dari permasalahan dan aplikasinya. Bahkan, untuk dapat membentuk suatu complicated system yang cerdas (intelligent system), harus diperlukan suatu hybrid system melalui penggabungan beberapa konsep dan teori dari soft computing.

Lebih lanjut lagi, dalam konsep soft computing, metoda – metoda ini ibarat pilar , slaing mendukung dan bekerjasama dalam memecahkan suatu permasalahan. Keunggulan yang diperoleh dari kerjasama metoda – metoda itu lebih ditekankan daripada keunggulan individual salah satu daripadanya. Kekurangan satu metoda akan ditutup dengan kelebihan metoda lainnya. Keunggulan satu metoda disumbangkan, sehingga segi – segi positif dari metode yang ada tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal.

Tujuan Soft Computing
Tujuan soft computing adalah terbentuknya High Machine Intelligence Quotient (HMIQ), suatu system yang mampu mengolah informasi seperti cara berpikir manusia, mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan non-linier dan tidak ada model matematisnya (tractability), serta dapat diimplementasikan dengan biaya rendah.

Adapun tujuan metode soft computing adalah :
  1. Non-linearitas dan kompleksitas problema. Kemampuan menyelesaikan problematika yang sulit dan tidak bisa diselesaikan dengan metoda biasa.
  2. Kemampuan memanipulir parameter yang tidak pasti ( sesuatu yang tidak bisa diukur secara pasti, misalnya mengukur kadar cinta ).
  3. Kemampuan men-generalisir solusi.
  4. Kemampuan klasifikasi dan kuantifikasi data, misalnya dengan lebih mudahnya pengerjaan kasus regresi linier dengan teknologi ini daripada dengan fuzzy logic.
  5. Kemampuan mengatasi keterbatasan data, misalnya pada dunia statistic.

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Simple Future Tense

How do we use the Simple Future Tense?

No Plan
We use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking. Look at these examples:

* Hold on. I'll get a pen.
* We will see what we can do to help you.
* Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.

In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision is made at the time of speaking.
We often use the simple future tense with the verb to think before it:

* I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.
* I think I will have a holiday next year.
* I don't think I'll buy that car.

We often use the simple future tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples:

* It will rain tomorrow.
* People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.
* Who do you think will get the job?

When the main verb is be, we can use the simple future tense even if we have a firm plan or decision before speaking. Examples:

* I'll be in London tomorrow.
* I'm going shopping. I won't be very long.


Use of prepositions

Prepositions are used in three ways:
(1) Compounded with verbs, adverbs, or conjunctions; as, for example, with verbs, withdraw, understand, overlook, overtake, overflow, undergo, outstay, outnumber, overrun, overgrow, etc.; with adverbs, thereat, therein, therefrom, thereby, therewith, etc.; with conjunctions, whereat, wherein, whereon, wherethrough, whereupon, etc.

(2) Following a verb, and being really a part of the verb. This use needs to be watched closely, to see whether the preposition belongs to the verb or has a separate prepositional function. For example, in the sentences, (a) "He broke a pane from the window," (b) "He broke into the bank," in (a), the verb broke is a predicate, modified by the phrase introduced by from; in (b), the predicate is not broke, modified by into the bank, but broke into—the object, bank.
Study carefully the following prepositions with verbs:—
Considering the space they took up.—Swift.
I loved, laughed at, and pitied him.—Goldsmith.
The sun breaks through the darkest clouds.—Shakespeare.
They will root up the whole ground.—Swift.
A friend prevailed upon one of the interpreters.—Addison
My uncle approved of it.—Franklin.
The robber who broke into them.—Landor.
This period is not obscurely hinted at.—Lamb.
The judge winked at the iniquity of the decision.—Id.
The pupils' voices, conning over their lessons.—Irving.
To help out his maintenance.—Id.
With such pomp is Merry Christmas ushered in.—Longfellow.

Ordinary use as connective, relation words
(3) As relation words, introducing phrases,—the most common use, in which the words have their own proper function.

Usefulness of prepositions
Prepositions are the subtlest and most useful words in the language for compressing a clear meaning into few words. Each preposition has its proper and general meaning, which, by frequent and exacting use, has expanded and divided into a variety of meanings more or less close to the original one.
Take, for example, the word over. It expresses place, with motion, as, "The bird flew over the house;" or rest, as, "Silence broods over the earth." It may also convey the meaning of about, concerning; as, "They quarreled over the booty." Or it may express time: "Stay over night."
The language is made richer and more flexible by there being several meanings to each of many prepositions, as well as by some of them having the same meaning as others.

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Subject, Verb, Complement & Modifier


The subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice, subject is the person or thing that does the action of the sentence and subject normally precedes the verb.
Note: Every sentece in English must have a Subject
Example : Coffee is delicious
Milk contains calcium
The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words ending with a noun. (it can't begin with a preposition).
Example : The book is on the table
That new red car is John's
In some sentence there is not true subject. However it and there can often act as pseudo-subjects and should be considered as subjects.
Example : It is a nice day today
There was a fire in that bilding last month


The verb follows the subject, it generally shows the action of the sentence.
Note : Every sentence must have a verb
Example : John drives too fast
They hate spinach
The verb maybe a verb phrase. A verb phrase consists of one or more auxiliaries and one main verb. The auxiliaries always precede the main verb.
Example : John is going to Miami tomorrow
(auxiliary is; main verb going)
Jane has been reading that book
(auxiliary has, been; main verb reading)


A complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it's usually a noun or noun phrase, However, it generally follows the verb when the sentence in the active voice.
Note : Every sentence doesn't require a complement
The complement can't begin with a preposition
Example : He was smoking a cigarette
John bought a cake yesterday


tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it's a prepositional phrase. Prepotional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.
Note : A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present.
Example of prepositional phrases :
In the morning, at university, on the table
A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase :
Last night, hurriedly, next year, outdoors, yesterday
Example : John bought a book at the bookstore
(modifier place)
Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday
(modifier of place)(modifier of time)
Note :
The modifier normally follows the complement, but not always. However, the modifier, especially when it's a prepositional phrase, usually can't separate the verb and the complement.
Example : She drove the car on the street
(verb) (complement)

Identify the subject, verb, complement, and modifier in each of the following sentence.

1. George is cooking dinner tonight
2. Henry and Marcia have visited the president
3. We eat lunch in this restaurant today
4. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday
5. Trees grows
6. It was raining at seven o'clock this morning
7. She opened her book
8. Harry is washing dishes right now
9. She buy pineaple in the market
10. They were watching tv a few minutes ago

1. George/ is cooking/ dinner /tonight
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)
2. Henry and Marcia/ have visited/ the president
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement)
3. We /eat/ lunch /in this restaurant /today
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of place)(modifier of time)
4. Pat /should have bought /gasoline /yesterday
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)
5. Trees /grows
(subject) (verb phrase)
6. It/ was raining /at seven o'clock this morning
(subject) (verb phrase) (modifier of time)
7. She /opened /her book
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement)
8. Harry /is washing /dishes /right now
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)
9. She /buy /pineaple /in the market
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of place)
10. They /were watching /tv /a few minutes ago
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Simple Past And Past Progresive

The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.
If a sentence contains when and has the simple past in both clauses, the action in the "when clause" happen first.
Example :
(a) I walked to school yesterday
(b) He lived in Paris for ten years, but now he is living on Rome
(c) When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled my lap
(d) I stood under a tree when it began to rain

- Exercise -

1. Gene was eating (eat) dinner when his friend called.
2. While Maria was cleaning the apartement, her husband was sleeping (sleep).
3. At three o'clock this morning, Eleanor was studying (study).
4. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons were having (have) dinner, but they stopped in order to talk to him.
5. John went (go) to France last year.
6. When the teacher entered (enter) the room, the students were talking.
7. While Joan was writing the report, Henry was looking (look) for more information.
8. We saw (see) this movie last night.
9. At one time, Mr.Roberts was own this building.
10. Jose was writing (write) a letter to his family when his pencil broke (break).

Simple Present And Present Progresive

The simple present says that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact.
The simple present is used to express habitual or everyday activity, may indicate a situation that exists right now, at the moment of speaking.

The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It begans in the recent past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future. Often activity is of a general nature : something generally in progress this week, this month, this year.

Example :
(a) John is sleeping right now
(b) I'm taking five courses this semester
(c) John is tring to impeove his work habits

- Exercise -

1. Something smells (smell) very good.
2. We are eating (eat) dinner at seven o'clock tonight.
3. He practices (practice) the piano everyday.
4. They are driving (drive) to school tomorrow.
5. I believes (believe) you.
6. Maria has (have) a cold.
7. Jorge is swimming (swim) right now.
8. John hates (hate) smoke.
9. Jill always gets (get) up at 6.00 am.
10. Jerry is mowing (mow) the lawn now.